Clubs & teams

Social Sports

Our clubs and team are a fun way for young climbers to learn climbing and build community. Instruction is personalized to each person.

Climbing is naturally a social sport that offers something for each athlete. The emphasis on a supportive community and healthy communication serves to build a positive environment for our club and team member.


Program Benefits

Self motivation and team encouragement

Increased desire to excel and developed willpower

Improvement of balance, flexibility and strength through aimed training

Climbing teaches us to know our limits and expand them

Clear communication skills with climbing partners

Develops movement and the language of climbing

Develops values such as solidarity, cooperation, respect and inclusiveness

Improved mental abilities including visualization, memorization and coordination

Promotes character formation and integration into a community of fellow climbers

Youth Chattanooga team member competing in our Southern Grit 2019 Youth Competition at our Huntsville location.
6 - 9 Years Old

Recreation Team

The Recreation Team program is designed for athletes ages 6-9 to explore the sport, practice movement, and learn the language of climbing in a non-competitive environment.

Our coaching team will guide the Recreation Team through games and exercises that teach technique, build good habits and familiarize the athletes with the culture of climbing.

10 - 14 years old

Development Team

Development Team
The Development Team program is designed for athletes ages 10-14 to help them move from the “beginner” to “intermediate” phase of their climbing careers. The program is focused on adding finesse to technique, introducing technical skills like top rope belay, and preparing athletes for Competition Team tryouts and/or the next phase of their climbing careers.

Our coaching team will guide the Team Members through exercises that enhance technique, build strength and condition athletes, as well as working with athletes and their families to develop a training plan aimed at progression and sustainable climbing futures.

8 - 18 Years Old

Competition Team

The Competition Team program is designed to prepare athletes ages 8-18 for competitive bouldering, sport and speed climbing at USA Climbing events. The program is focused on developing advanced techniques, mastering technical skills and training to get strong, climb hard and win competitions. Our coaching team will guide the Competition Team through warm-ups, exercises, drills, projects and training programs that are aimed at continuous progression and success in competition.

To set up a try–out email

6 - 17 Years Old

Homeschool Club

High Point Homeschool Club is a fun way to get your kids climbing, moving, and learning to work as a team with other climbers! Homeschool Club is a fun and low-pressure setting. Coaches will meet athletes at their individual level of strength and comfort and help them improve their climbing technique and social skills. Parents are welcome to either drop off their children or stay and spectate.



Homeschool Club
competition TEAM


Homeschool Club
recreation team


development team
competition team


Homeschool club
development team



our Coaches

Our club and team is lead by experienced and passionate climbing coaches, dedicated to getting young climbers motivated while helping them to adopt beneficial training habits and techniques. We strive to make sure that our club and team members not only have fun, but can also grow to compete at the highest levels.


Classes and events will be returning soon. Keep checking back in for updated information.



Monday: 6a - 10pm

Tuesday: 10a - 10pm

Wednesday: 6a - 10pm

Thursday: 10a - 10pm

Friday: 6a - 10pm


Saturday: 10a – 10p

Sunday: 10a - 8p

Special Hours

Thanksgiving: Closed

Christmas Eve: 10a - 4p

Christmas Day: Closed

New Year's Eve: 10a - 6p

New Year's Day: 12p - 10p